As even medical care of patients becomes more global and patients frequently undergo medical treatment abroad, MRS International offers the complete management of the medical sojourn abroad. This service also includes various facilities, going from medical clarification, inspection of the medical documents/treatment recommendation up to the complete organization of the journey.
If desired, the patient gets a complete care from one source, beginning at the moment of his request up to his secure return back home. Hereinafter, you will find an overview from the services we provide and which may be tailored to the requirements of the patient in a modular format. The patient care service will be provided in different languages so that it is not only medically competent due to experienced staff, but it is even performed in the mother tongue of the patient. That way, we offer an optimal solution for the patient care and the contact to the treating institution, as we join medical and linguistic competence together.
Our staff is able to communicate in German, English, French, Arabic and Russian.